Thursday, 27 August 2020

Reciprocal Reading

We have been Learning how to do reciprocal reading. First you have a leader who decides what job each person will do. The jobs are predictor who guesses what might happen in the book.
The questioner thinks about what you already know or would like to know and asks some questions. The Clarifier asks if there are any words or sentences that you do not understand.  Finally the summariser tells  us what happened on the page.  I am working on questioning because I am not making long questions.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Vocab Activity

We have been Learning what vast means.  Vast meams Huge in area or amount or seemingly endless.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

The Way Back Home Writing

We have been retelling a story from a movie that we watched in class.

Maths array

We have been learning about arrays in class. Here is an example of my work.
Array are rows and columns and help us learn our multiplication.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Vocab Activity

The word of the week is avid.  I am an avld league play.